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Task management system


Task management system

Frontu is a flexible and efficient solution for managing tasks, processes and employees. 

Stop using paper and switch to the digital task management system Frontu. 

Eliminate paper documents, save time, reduce costs and create clear, efficient communication channels with your employees and customers with one fully automated task management software package. 

What purposes is Frontu intended for? 

Frontu connects employees in the office and outside of it by delegating tasks, tracking real-time progress, analysing completed tasks and customer satisfaction, and assisting in the efficient performance of other duties. 

Why choose Frontu?

  • No more paper-based assignments
  • Tracking the execution of work tasks in real time
  • Digitisation of worksheets
  • Evaluation of customer satisfaction for the completed task
  • Task history and reports
  • Inventory monitoring in real time
  • Integration with other systems….
  • – these are just some of the advantages of the Frontu solution

The principle of Frontu operation

Using the mobile app or web platform, the customer fills out a new work task request and sends it to the executor. 

  • Task request

  • Real-time tracking of task execution status

  • Overview of historical assignments

  • Attracting new objects and contacts

On the web platform, the office employee receives a task from the customer and delegates it to the employee with the most appropriate qualifications for the performance of the given task. 

  • Delegation of the task to the appropriate employee

  • Adding the necessary auxiliary materials to the task

  • Real-time tracking of task execution status

  • Making changes to existing tasks

  • Accounting of working hours

  • Overview of historical tasks

An employee outside the office receives a task on a mobile app with all the necessary information to complete the task. 

  • Mark the initiation and completion of the task

  • Accounting of time and materials used

  • Photo fixation of completed works

  • Signature of the customer on acceptance of the work

  • Customer satisfaction assessment. 

Frontu software options: 

  • Integration with other systems

  • Digital and remote signing options

  • Traceability of equipment status and location

  • Customisable input fields

  • Software language adaptability.